The following vendors, in alphabetical order, have generously paid for listing on our site. Appearance on this list does not constitute an endorsement of Kalamazoo Bee Club for any goods or services presented below. If you’re a supplier interested in listing, we LOVE being able to refer our many inquiries about where to obtain items to this robust page. Please contact us to learn more. Thank you!
Alamo Honey Farms, Southwest Michigan nucs & queens
All of our 5-frame honey bee nucleus hives (Nucs), are locally raised and wintered right here in Kalamazoo county of southwest Michigan. Our nuc hives include a proven overwintered queen bee with her brood and bees. Buyer’s choice of deep or medium frame size. Due to our winter weather, pickup in mid May. We also provide swarm removal and cut-out services.
Contact us for seasonal pricing and availability.
Email: [email protected] (269)998-7690;
We are your trusted packaged bees supplier. We are the exclusive Michigan distributor of certified stock from Olivarez Honey Bees from California. Our offerings include 3-pound packages (with queens) of Italian and Carnolian, Saskatraz, and the newest breed from our distributor, the Randy Oliver Queen. We also offer queens of the three breeds (Italian and Carnolian and Saskatraz) as well as discounted rates for bulk package orders of 50 or more. Visit our website for an order form, information regarding the Randy Oliver Queen, pricing, and other helpful videos and information:
Delivery is expected on around April the 10th and our sanitary drive through pick-up process will be in Swartz Creek.
Reach out to us by email or phone.
Email: [email protected]
Dave Anthony: 810-621-4371
Leo Stevens: 810-639-3640
B-Funnel by J. Woods,
[email protected]
The B-Funnel is a new tool that is used to install package bees. It is an alternative method developed to take some of the stress out of the process. Visit our website more information.
Beeline Apiaries & Woodenware, LLC
Your local beekeeping supplier: just 30 minutes south of Kalamazoo! We are a family-run business, manufacturing a full line of quality beekeeping woodenware, carrying protective clothing, beekeeping tools, beginner’s kits, feed, medications, and much more.
Order your 2024 spring bees now! We have strong Italian 5-frame nucs and Wilbanks Italian 3 lb. packages for pickup at our Mendon facility in late April or early May. Order online, give us a call or stop in! Check us out at!
Our annual Open house Sale Day is on March 23, 2024 from 8 am to 4 pm. 15% off store wide, plus time to talk bees with experienced beekeepers, tours of our factory floor, and more! We hope to see you!
We also offer seasonal bee classes in April, July and September. Each day includes hands-on experience in the bee yard, inside slide presentations, good question and answer time, and a free hot meal! Sign up online here: Michigan Field Days Beekeeping Products – Beeline Apiaries & Woodenware (
Call (269)-496-7001 or email [email protected]
Our store is located at 20960 M-60, Mendon, MI 49072, and open 8-12 am and 1-5 pm, Monday through Friday.
Dadant and Son’s, Albion, MI
517-629-2860, toll free 877-932-3268
[email protected]
704 N. Clark St., Suite 3
Albion, MI 49224
Our company is still family-owned since 1863. We offer a complete line of beekeeping wares. We cut our own Ponderosa Pine (wooden ware). Handmade smokers and stainless steel equipment also. Anything and everything for the beekeeper.
We also offer 3# packages, 5-frame nucs and mated queens.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
A variety of classes for beekeepers, those possible interested in beekeeping, gardeners, homesteaders, nature lovers. We have an apiary with hands-on / in-hive instruction when safety and weather allows.
Click here for a complete listing of other programs.
Lam’s Honeybees and Beekeeping Supplies;
One-stop shopping, especially for beginning beekeepers. Our equipment features top quality Amish built woodenware, along with beekeeping tools, protective gear, meds, honey harvest and books at reasonable prices.
In April and May we offer 3# packages of fast building gentle Italian bees with northern genetics, for pickup in Holland, Michigan. We also have strong five frame nucs available for pickup in early May.
A mentoring relationship comes with every purchase. We’ll take the time to answer your questions and guide you through what you need now and what you can add later, and are just a phone call away throughout the season. We also host helpful workshops for the Holland Area Beekeepers Association during the summer.
Napoleon Bee Supply, LLC
(517) 499-0439; 6800 Brooklyn Road (M-50) in Napoleon, MI 49261
P.O. Box 442, Napoleon, MI 49261
We are located approximately 8 miles North of Michigan International Speedway. We carry all Bee equipment and supplies needed for Seasoned and New Beekeepers. We also sell Local Honey and Maple Syrup, and a variety of gifts.
Currently, we are taking orders for 3lb package Bees. This year they will be High Quality Italian Hybrid Bees crossed with Carniolan and Buckfast. Michigan over-wintered Nuc’s are also available in Italian or Carniolan. Bee day will be in mid May for both Nuc’s and Packages. Look for our upcoming classes.
Check out our E-COMMERCE site at:
Sunshine & Sweetpea’s Apiaries Spring 2023 Nucs … with Jester EZ Nuc Box
Five deep frames with mated, laying Queen. Kalamazoo Bee Club members: Nucs can be picked up in the Kalamazoo area, site TBA. Reserve yours at
Wicwas Press
Kalamazoo-based publisher of the Essentials series of books for beginning and advanced beekeepers about bee biology, beekeeping history, stories from beekeepers, recipes, and more!
Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping (by Drs. Dewey Caron and Lawrence Connor) is a major textbook of Apiculture (beekeeping). Beekeepers and bee clubs use it to teach other beekeepers. This is the third major revision (May 2022). It explains bee and beekeeping basics in a manner meaningful to people who lack an extensive background in biology. It is not over simplified, providing a meaningful source of beekeeping information for the informed beekeeper.
This comprehensive textbook eliminates the need for many beginner books while adding essential details of bee biology necessary to becoming a successful beekeeper and student of the honey bee. Features many new full-color photos by the authors, selected beekeeper-photographers, as well as new color drawings.
Email: [email protected]
Phone:(269) 344-8027