Would you like to be more involved with the Kalamazoo Bee Club and lend your assistance and expertise to this great organization? GREAT! Below is a list of committees, if you are interested in helping in one of these areas, please email us at [email protected] and let us know what area(s) you are interested in.
The Club communicates with its members via our website, emails, and facebook. We also reach out to a broader circle of beekeepers and the public using other media sources. We occasionally need people who can compose written communications, provide photography or other art work, or are able to help get the word out via local and regional media sources.
The Kalamazoo Bee Club is frequently contacted by various local/regional groups with requests to give a presentation about bees and beekeeping. These requests are sometimes for a specific group (such as children, garden clubs,etc.) or are general public presentations. We appreciate the pool of people in the club who we can call on to do these type of presentations, but always need more. Ideal volunteers in this group will have at least 3 years of beekeeping experience, be comfortable with public speaking or have some experience in education or presentations. The Bee Club can provide a general outline of talking points and often, presentation materials.
Hospitality involves setting up and cleaning up the space for monthly meetings, providing a welcoming atmosphere, and selling honey, wax and other club products. We need a pool of people who can sign up for particular meetings to help with set up and clean up. If you are attending the meeting anyway, this just means you come a little early or stay a little later to help out.
Bee School is by far our biggest event. The Bee School Organizing Committee and the Board of Directors work on Bee School on some level nearly year round. We need a fair number of volunteers during the event to help set-up and tear-down, and we also need a core group of volunteers who are willing to take lead on certain tasks such as: registration/check-in, lunch/food logistics, vender coordination, audio-visual assistance, etc. All volunteers and committee members get free admission to Bee School.